Summer School
Students in temporary housing who need summer school to advance to the next grade, or who need summer school to graduate on time, must be provided the opportunity to attend summer school free of charge. School districts may be asked to cover fees associated with summer school for students in temporary housing. Students in temporary housing are entitled to transportation to and from summer school if the school district provides transportation to permanently housed students. In addition, school districts must provide transportation if the lack of transportation is a barrier to the student's ability to attend summer school, even if the district does not transport permanently housed students. During the summer months, all Local Education Agencies (LEAs, including school districts, charter schools, and BOCES) are also required to have a McKinney-Vento Liaison. They should appoint an interim summer Liaison if the academic year Liaison is unavailable during the summer months.
Topic Resources
Laws & Guidance
McKinney-Vento Summer School Information - 2024
Under the McKinney-Vento Act, LEAs must support students experiencing homelessness during the summer break. This SED guidance provides an overview of key protections and strategies that LEAs may use to ensure children and youth experiencing homelessness have an equal opportunity to succeed and thrive during available summer programming.
Laws & Guidance
McKinney-Vento Summer School Information - 2023
This memo outlines required actions under
the McKinney-Vento Act that LEAs must take to support students experiencing homelessness during the summer break. Additionally, it provides suggested strategies for LEAs to fulfill the requirements described.
Laws & Guidance
NYS McKinney-Vento Summer School Information 2022
NYSED Field Memo
This guidance provides an overview of key protections and strategies that LEAs may use to ensure
children and youth experiencing homelessness have an equal opportunity to succeed and thrive
during available summer programming.
View this document on the NYSED website at:
Guides & Fact Sheets
Transportation Guide for Students in Temporary Housing
This chart provides concise information on the transportation rights of students in temporary housing attending school in New York State. It includes information on available services, the responsible agency, and funding sources when serving students in many different housing situations, including for students attending charter schools.
New York State Summer Food Service Program
This website provides information on the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). In New York, the Summer Food Service Program is administered in New York by the State Education Department (NYSED). The SFSP provides funding for free meals to students during the summer months when school is out. Children 18 years of age and younger are eligible to participate in SFSP. Persons over 18 years old who are physically or mentally disabled and participating in a public or nonprofit private school program established for children with these disabilities may also participate.
Laws & Guidance
NYS Field Memo: McKinney-Vento Summer School Information
NYSED Field Memo
NYSED’s 2020 McKinney-Vento Field Memo discusses the rights of students in temporary housing to participate in summer school. This memo reviews access to summer school for students in temporary housing, including fee waivers, transportation, and the use of Title I set-aside funding.