STAC 202 (Designation Form & Tuition Reimbursement)
Local Educational Agencies (LEAs), including school districts, BOCES, and charter schools, in New York State must complete a Designation Form (STAC 202) for each student identified under the McKinney-Vento Act, send to parties listed on the form, and keep the forms on file. In certain cases, the STAC form may also be used by school districts to receive tuition reimbursement from the New York State Education Department.
Topic Resources

Laws & Guidance
Billing 2021 - Billing for the Remainder of the School Year after a Student Becomes Permanently Housed
This memorandum, dated September 24, 2021, provides information about when a district can directly bill another district for tuition for a student who was homeless and has become permanently housed; and what documentation a district should submit to another district when requesting such reimbursement.

Laws & Guidance
Billing 2013- Homeless Guidance for Permanent Placement / McKinney-Vento Eligible Students and Tuition Reimbursement
NYSED Field Memo
NYSED’s McKinney-Vento Field Memo #06-2013 (September 2013) clarifies when a school district can receive additional state aid for instruction for the cost of educating a student in temporary housing and how to request such aid.

Laws & Guidance
Billing 2015-Guidance Regarding Out-of-State/Country Children who become Homeless and Tuition Reimbursement
NYSED Field Memo
NYSED’s McKinney-Vento Field Memo #07-2015 (March 2015) clarifies that schools districts cannot get additional state aid for instruction (also referred to as tuition reimbursement) through the STAC 202 process for students experiencing homelessness who were last permanently housed outside of New York State.
PLEASE NOTE: Documents dated before 2016 may not reflect the amendments to the McKinney-Vento Act as a result of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the 2017 amendments to New York State Education Law Section 3209, and/or 2017 amendments to the Commissioner’s Regulations.

Laws & Guidance
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act, Reauthorized by Title IX, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act is a federal law that protects the public education of children and youth experiencing homelessness. The text attached here is the latest version of the law since it was reauthorized on December 10, 2015 by Title IX, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

Laws & Guidance
New York State Education Law Section 3209, Education of Homeless Children
NYS Education Law Section 3209 describes the rights of students in temporary housing in New York State.
Important changes to New York Education Law Section 3209 went into effect on April 20, 2017. The changes to this law reflect changes to the federal McKinney-Vento Act that were made under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Below, along with the link to download the new text of the law, you will find a link to a marked-up version of Education Law § 3209 that highlights the changes.

Forms & Templates
STAC-202 Form
New York State Education Department
The STAC-202 form indicates that a student has been designated as homeless, and specifies the name of the district the student will be attending. It is also used by local districts to request reimbursement from NYSED for the costs of education a temporarily housed student who moves into the district from another school district in New York State.