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Quick Tip Sheet Series

Our Quick Tip Sheets provide detailed information about the rights of students experiencing homelessness in a one-page format. Each guide is targeted to a specific school role.

Topic Resources

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Guides & Fact Sheets
Navigating Challenging Conversations

This tip sheet from NYS-TEACHS guides the user through best practices for having conversations about housing status with families. We provide best practices for common scenarios.

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Guides & Fact Sheets
Recomendaciones Para Padres y Tutores

Si reside en una vivienda temporal, USTED TIENE DERECHOS con respecto a la educación de sus hijos
en conformidad con la Ley de educación McKinney-Vento de asistencia a personas sin hogar.

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Guides & Fact Sheets
Tip Sheet: Information Sharing and Student Privacy


This tip sheet from NYS-TEACHS provides information about when it is appropriate to share a student’s housing information with school/district staff. It also provides tips for “how” to share that information while still respecting the student’s privacy.

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Guides & Fact Sheets
Tips for Parents and Guardians

Read some tips and techniques to help parent and guardians living in temporary housing, YOU HAVE RIGHTS regarding the education of your children under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act.

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Guides & Fact Sheets
Tips for School Nurses

School nurses often have one-on-one relationships with students and may see signs of homelessness before others. Read some tips and techniques to help in connect students to specific supports under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act.

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Guides & Fact Sheets
Tips for School Secretaries and Enrollment Personnel

Read some tips and techniques for school secretaries and enrollment personnel to help students in temporary housing and their families feel safe and supported by taking immediate action in accordance with the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act.

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Guides & Fact Sheets
Tips for School and District Leadership

Read some tips and techniques that school and district leaders must keep in mind to create a positive school climate that is safe, supportive, and trauma-sensitive.

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Guides & Fact Sheets
Tips for Social Workers and School Counselors

Read some tips and techniques for School Social Workers and Guidance Counselors to help create a safe and supportive environment for students in temporary housing and their families .

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Guides & Fact Sheets
Tips for Teachers

Read some tips and techniques for teachers that help create a classroom environment that is safe and supportive for students in temporary housing including sensitivity to the stress and trauma that often accompanies homelessness.

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Guides & Fact Sheets
Tips for Transportation Directors

Read some tips and techniques for transportation staff including directors, dispatchers, and drivers can contribute to the success of students in temporary housing by ensuring school stability and student confidence.

749 E 135 Street

Bronx, NY 10454

41 State Street, Suite 403

Albany, NY 12207

34 South Broadway, Suite 601

White Plains, NY 10601

We provide information, referrals, and trainings to schools, school districts, social service providers, parents, and others about the educational rights of children and youth experiencing homelessness in New York State. NYS-TEACHS is funded by the New York State Education Department.

Tel: 800.388.2014 | Fax: 212.807.6872 |

If you are unable to access files on our site, please contact the team at NYS-TEACHS and we will provide you with the information in an alternative format.

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The New York State Technical and Educational Assistance Center for Homeless Students ( is operated by Measurement Incorporated under a contract with the New York State Education Department.

© 2025 NYS-TEACHS. All rights reserved.

The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the
New York State Education Department. 

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