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End-of-Year Reminders

As you and other McKinney-Vento liaisons throughout New York prepare for the summer, we want to make sure you have access to all the information and resources necessary for a successful end of the year.

  1. Designating a Summer Liaison

  2. Confirming McKinney-Vento Eligibility at the End of the Year

  3. Summer School – Remote Learning

  4. Data Reporting Deadline

  5. New NYS-TEACHS Resources

  6. SchoolHouse Connection Scholarship

1. Designating a Summer Liaison You deserve a vacation! But, before you go away, please let us know who the interim summer McKinney-Vento liaison will be.

You can let us know who your district’s summer liaison will be by going to our liaison update form, completing the required fields, and checking “Summer Liaison ONLY.” If your contact information has changed, or if you will not be the liaison for the 2020-2021 school-year, please use the same form to update us with all the necessary information. Thank you! (Note: this form is only for

school districts/BOCES outside of NYC and charter schools statewide.)

2. Confirming McKinney-Vento Eligibility at the End of the School Year We encourage you to check in with parents whose children are McKinney-Vento eligible (or youth themselves in the case of unaccompanied homeless youth) at the end of each school year to determine whether their housing situation has changed and assist with making appropriate arrangements for the following year.

Take a look at our NEW Check-In Checklist: Connecting with Families During COVID-19 School Closures for strategies on how to check in with students and families in temporary housing as well as our End of Year template letter which is designed to assist you with your outreach to confirm continued eligibility. Download below.

3. Summer School Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Cuomo has announced that summer school will be conducted through remote learning. Summer school offers an opportunity for students to make up lost time, re-take failed courses, gain extra credits, and work toward graduation. Please check in with your students in temporary housing and their families regarding their remote learning summer school plans and needs.

NYSED has also released guidance on the in-person provision of special education services to students with disabilities. Download below.

4. Data Reporting Reminder – Mark your calendar! Deadline is August 21, 2020 As you know, the complete and correct collection of data on students in temporary housing is critical to ensure the appropriate allocation of resources to school districts. We recommend that you connect with your Data Coordinator this month to ensure that data on students who are homeless are being collected and reported correctly before the Data Warehouse’s August 21, 2020 deadline.

If you’d like help reviewing or understanding data requirements, please look through our data entry guide or watch our recently recorded webinar on Data Collection & Reporting, available in our webinar archive.

If you work in NYC and use ATS, see our ATS guide.

5. New NYS-TEACHS Resources This spring, in response to statewide COVID-19 school closures, NYS-TEACHS published new resources to help you best support students in temporary housing in your district. As you finish out this school year, please take a look at these new resources:

6. SchoolHouse Connection Scholarship SchoolHouse Connection is accepting applications for its youth Leadership and Scholarship Program until October 1, 2020. The scholarship award is $2000, plus other benefits.

As always, please give us a call at 800-388-2014 for more information or to discuss any McKinney-Vento-related issue.


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